This whole event on my birthday was reminding of something life has offered / offering, around me I have such wonderful people wishing me good luck. It's not just the people around me on that day it's the whole bunch of people I know. I got a few calls and lots of e-cards thanks a lot to all of them. A special thanks to Gai, Indu, Natasha, Gaurav, Reuben, Niru, Adriana, Varun, Sergio, Mugi, Aks, Christina, Alex, Emil, Mike, Charles, Stef, Laura, KS, Birgit, Ioana, Na, Charlotte , Piia & Aline for making the day a more memorable one. The two funniest things happened on that day are #1 Indu and Niru had the cake and gift and they got struck in the lift and they where rescued by the firemen and thus they made their way #2 Adriana coming to my house and was about to ring the bell @ my house not knowing that the venue for the surprise has got shifted to a different location. Thank you all once again.